Solutions for Solar Installers

Manage and track sales activity to reduce the risk of consumer complaints.

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As a solar installer, you strive to wow customers with professional expertise and quality craftsmanship. But one bad sales partner can undermine your hard work and put your entire operation at risk.

Recheck is building the accountability network for solar so you can have full visibility into the sales companies and individuals you source projects from.

Identity Verification

Recheck IDs allow you to verify the actual identities of every sales rep selling your offerings, not fake names or shared logins.

Credential Validation

See the certifications, training courses, and professional background of each solar sales rep on their Recheck profile.

Integrated Accountability

With Recheck's suite of APIs, you can bake accountability into your workflows from initial sales handoff through installation.

Deliver a superior customer experience while reducing compliance headaches. Implement Recheck's industry-leading verification and monitoring tools for installers today.